The last month has been utterly crazy, what with school schedules, storms, power outages and what have you. We've all managed to stay relatively sane during the holiday season.
Little Bit got a present from Chaz's dogs Zoey and Snoopy. Guess he liked it! It was a green teddy and within an hour, it was in shreds under the desk! Doesn't he look guilty?!
Brian's blanket was black and white - very striking! Sam's was in camo yarn which, according to Mom, was a b-e-a-r to work with because the colors ran right into each other.
Christmas was quiet; just the kids, Chaz, his parents and myself for christmas morning. Our little tree was pretty bare the night before, but when we woke up however, it was a totally different story. Each person had a big gift bag from Nana and Grampa, with beautiful hand crocheted blankets in pinks, greens, blacks, peaches and blues. Each blanket was crocheted to suit its owner.
My gift to Chaz this year was a large blanket that I've been working on since June. Funny how I was able to work on it right in front of him and he didn't even consider it might be for him!
Rachel received a christmas camel. Yes, everyone must have their very own christmas camel! It's a webkinz to add to her ever expanding collection.
So after christmas, it was back to work for everyone. Kids are on vacation for another week. It's been over 30 days since they've seen the inside of a classroom so grading should be interesting!