Here it is! The official document that says I'm done. It's all mine and I earned every inch of it. It's been a while since graduation - just over a month and only one week left until I start the next round of courses.
Everyone has been asking me what I'm going to do next - that's simple. I'm going to still work at my job, keeping tabs on my elders and driving them crazy, er, to the grocery store and doctor's appointments! Not much has changed and I'm happy in my current job. The degree will hopefully open some doors at a later date, but for now, I'm satisfied to be where I am.
Chaz is happy - he's working at a residential home for adults with disabilities as the assistant house manager. The hours are cockeyed (3-11) but we still seem to make time to see each other, even if it's only for an hour or two here and there. We just passed the one-year mark in early May and everything is going very well. We get along great and even when we disagree, we seem to be able to work everything out without either of us feeling shafted. People notice how well we get along and how well we work together for a common good - a good home for the kids, success in our professions and happiness in each other. In three words, it's all good!