It is official! Brian is graduating with his class on June 6th! I'm so proud of him I can't stand it! Now, we are just waiting for the day to arrive - I'm hoping he brings his cap and gown over so I can take some preview photos. Watch for more pictures of my baby as he takes his first steps into adulthood.
Meanwhile, Sam takes his state exam to be an EMT. He has studied hard and I am confident that he will pass with flying colors.
Rachel had the misfortune of breaking her hand a few weeks ago, as well as sporting a beautiful black eye. She was playing in gym class with a good friend and they bumped heads (hence, the black eye) As she hit the ground, she dislocated her left index finger and broke the bone in her hand under the ring finger on her left hand. A splint for a week and then, a gorgeous neon green cast, until June 9th (hopefully off before the big wedding).
Wedding? Oh yes, there's that too...Plans are moving along for my upcoming wedding to my Chaz. He's much calmer than I am about the whole thing - he assures me all will be well for our special day. He's like valium in human form lately - just talking quietly to him calms me down and helps me realize all will be ok.
I have finished the favors, my dress is ready to go, the napkins and other linens have been either ordered or purchased. The flowers are all set, the reception menu finalized. Now all we have left is to shower and show up!! I am dying to post photos of my dress but will refrain until after the 12th lest Chaz read my blog and get a sneak peek at this beautiful dress. I can't wait until he sees me in it - ME, who lives in jeans and sweaters - sporting a beautiful floor length gown. OK I'm going to hush now....