Tuesday, January 24, 2006

First week jitters

Well it's done - my first week back in school after a five week break. Tonight was the dreaded Anatomy & Physiology. We started off slow - just started the endocrine system - only nine pages of notes in just about three hours! I have to go through them now while it's all still fresh in my head. We also had a two hour lab tonight and will have our first lab quiz next Tuesday night. The slides are bouncing around in my head - each one looked like a piece of steak to me! I have an idea of what each one was of and know some of the parts. Some of the names are exotic to me; like the Islet of Langerhans (it's part of a gland - check back next week and I'll tell you which one!)

I'm tired tonight but my brain feels like it's on fire with all the new information running through it. I need to remember last semester's notebook next week because we're going into mytosis and miosis and I know I have notes on it from last semester. Wish me well and think of me in the middle of the night as I burn the midnight oil studying hard.

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