Monday, February 20, 2006


I've just spent the better part of two days working on flooring at my friend Wanda's house. What a chore! We did the bathroom floor on Sunday - has anyone ever moved an old fashioned steam radiator? The SOB was H-E-A-V-Y! I pride myself on being strong but this sucker just would not budge for me. We finally got the flooring down amid complaints from kids needing to pee, people wanting to shower, a cat needing a moment of privacy. My biggest thing was don't get the FLOOR WET YET!!

With Monday being a holiday we had yet another day to work on the kitchen floor. Now there's some interesting work! We had to cut out a piece of plywood and replace a piece that had rotted underneath the linoleum flooring that was down. Interesting ... that's all I'm going about that! Circular saws are NOT my favorite things to work with but I was getting pretty darned good by about noontime!!

We finally finished about 8pm (only took us just under twelve hours to do the entire kitchen!) It looks awesome! I had only one thing to say - the first person that scratches the floor has to replace it!!! I came up with the idea to put old socks on the legs of the tables and chairs until we can get those fuzzy things to go on the bottoms. It worked pretty well if I do say so myself! Once and a while I have a good idea - they don't happen often but boy when I do get a good idea - it's a doozy!!

Well now that my entire body aches, I'm off to study for yet ANOTHER A&P lab quiz Tuesday night. It's on sea urchins - pretty interesting stuff.

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