Thursday, December 28, 2006

Post Holiday Madness

The storm called Christmas is now over - the grandparents are on their way home to Florida and I am left with a house full of papers, boxes, new toys and new pets.

We were thrilled to have Nana and Grampa here to visit for a week, as well as Uncle Dave and his new wife and their children visit twice. The entire clan went out for dinner one night and had a great time breaking bread together (we don't do it often enough we've decided). Christmas eve found us at church together for a beautiful carol and candle service. Nana and Grampa stayed home so it was just the kids and I. I've always liked the Christmas Eve service; somehow you can feel the Spirit floating throughout the sanctuary. Very peaceful...very nice.

Christmas morning the kids woke up to a tree overloaded with gifts both large and small. It took the better part of two hours to open all the lovely gifts that Santa left, as well as the gifts from Mom and Dad, the kids' gifts to each other and my gifts to everyone. It was lovely. The living room looked like Macy's at 10pm on the day after thanksgiving but we cleaned up quickly!

Dinner was interesting - I made a huge 20lb turkey with everything. Funny how it takes so long to cook yet is eaten in 30 minutes or less! Anyhow, I made four pies for dinner; a blueberry (for dad and my FIRST ever!), a pumpkin, a chocolate pudding pie and a rather decadent egg nog pie (which we will repeat but with not so much rum next time!!!) I collapsed for a few minutes after lunch and then started on the mountain of dishes!

The day after Christmas found me back at work and all the kids home with their grandparents. I got home at 1pm to find Uncle Dave and his family here for a visit! They had been invited to join us for a post holiday dinner so back in the kitchen I went to make a ham dinner for 12. No biggie!! Another two or three hours of cooking eaten in 30 minutes! I'm glad it's over though! I'm tired of cooking and have announced that I will be taking two days off from cooking so get ready - it's leftover city until Saturday!!!

So now the new year is upon us once again. For my family and friends, those near and far, I wish only good things. May blessing rain down on each and every one of you!

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