Wednesday, October 10, 2007

TOO Long Between Posts

I can't believe I haven't written a thing since August! It's been a little crazy busy but starting somewhere near the beginning, I did some ocean fishing, went up to northern Vermont to a working dairy farm - that was some FUN let me tell you, spent most of the summer sitting on the sidelines of the softball diamond watching my daughter play, and not much else.

Went to Florida in August - was Rachel's first plane ride and she was beside herself with excitement! Didn't do all that much while there, it was too bloody hot!
September started with school - 17 credits this semester! I know! It's a lot but here it is October and I'm in good shape for Dean's List again for the fall semester. So far so good. I'm still planning to apply to the RN program in December for September 08 (yes, we have to apply that far in advance!) It's quite competitive but I am hopeful that I will be one of the 100 that is selected.

Celebrated Miss Rachel's 11th birthday in September and managed to get a photo of myself snuggled amid my three lovely little monkey-children. Yes, that's me in the back - the short one between the two TREES aka my sons!

Sam is getting ready to graduate in June already and this has me remembering what it was like when I was 17 gearing up to graduate. I remember being scared yet excited as all get out to be finally done with school. He's looking at colleges here and as far away as Florida (St. Leo's). Now comes the interesting part - funding! I'd roll my eyes but I'm too tired!

Homework calls - EKGs and colon procedures - fun stuff!! I'll say one thing about all this reading - it sure is informative! I'm learning more than I ever thought possible!

Friday, August 10, 2007

Summer's Almost Over

I'm sitting here today taking a very deep breath after fielding a call for my daughter from the local softball team. It seems that they would LOVE for her to join the fall league. She's been playing since early April, played in the Jimmy Fund League and now is taking a break. This is her team fundraising at McDonald's. Don't know if she'll want to keep playing or switch to soccer. She's in NY now with her grandmother so when she gets home I'll ask her.

We've also had Brian headline at the local music festival. He played a 30-minute set on the side stage at the local fishing/hunting club. He was wonderful! I wish I knew how to post video here since he sang five of his own songs.

Sunday, June 17, 2007

Another Open Mic Night

My son Brian wrote and sang three songs last week at the Boulder Coffee House in Fitchburg. He was GOOD! I am so impressed with his songwriting and singing ability. It takes tremendous courage to step in front of an unknown crowd and sing your heart out but it seems to come very easy for him. He is relaxed, has a great stage presence, and wins over the crowd with his easy-going style and presence.


My Big Catch

This is my "big catch" that didn't get away! I caught this 22", about 5 lb striper off the coast of Newport (it could have been off Salisbury - I can't remember). Anyhow, three of them managed to find the bait but since none of them were over 28" long, everyone got to go home (even ME!)

The best part? After a few minutes of "am I going to hurl or not?" I caught this bad boy and felt much better about everything! Later, I caught a bunch of skates and more crabs that I wanted to (the little buggers loved the clam bait I was using!) I came home sunburned but boy, what a trip!

Monday, May 28, 2007

Future Rock Star

This is my boy during one of his rare "live shows". He is singing with a friend from school during
their annual talent show. He is an amazing guitarist!
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Sunday, May 06, 2007

Prom Night 2007

This is my "baby" and his best girl heading out to the Junior Prom last night. What a handsome couple! It's hard to believe this man is almost 18, ready to take on the world! He wasn't excited about going but as the day got closer, we picked up the tux and flowers, he found himself looking forward to the evening.

When his girl arrived, he was all smiles as she got out of the car and walked towards him. Suddenly it wasn't just a goofy dance - it was a big deal!

He finally came home at 12:20 tired but very happy.

Wednesday, April 18, 2007


I PASSED!!! I PASSED! I really REALLY passed!! When I finished my test this morning, a little screen popped up and said 'PASS' in bold letters. I was floored! I called the test proctor over and said "WHAT'S THAAAAAT MEEEANNNN?" She laughed and said, "it means you PASSED".

So now, I'm officially a certified Phlebotomist! YAY ME!!!!! I called my instructor and I'm the first one to pass the certification exam in all the time she's taught the class. It wasn't terrible but I can see where if you don't study tubes and additives, you'd be bummin!!!

Watch out world! I'm ready to poke and I'm certified!!

Tuesday, April 17, 2007


It is the dreaded night before the big test and I'm sitting here going over my notes one last time before I shut off the lights. I'm both nervous and excited - tomorrow's test could dictate whether I become a full fledged phlebotomist or if I head back to the "drawing" board (sick phlebotomist joke there) and try again at a later date.

I've most definately been putting in the study hours - my girl-friends have called from time to time asking "who or what is keeping me so busy that I don't come out to play pool anymore?"! There is no one - just my beautiful certification review guide with which I am absolutely in deep passionate love. LOL... KIDDING! I HAVE been studying like a nut though and alternate between being very sure and very unsure of my knowledge. Clinically I know I am fine - I have a good number of "sticks" under my tourniquet so I'm comfortable in a clinical setting. I just stink at tests! Guess I suffer from test anxiety! I've also been keeping up with my other classes that are winding down for the summer. Not sure if I'm taking any classes this summer - I'd much rather go fishing and canoeing if no one minds!!! My 'baby' is just waiting to get wet (I actually put new foam floats on it during the one weekend it was nice but not nice enough to put her into the water). Yes the hair IS getting long! I haven't cut it since November '05. Sure, there are more grays but I think they're not all bad :)

The results are due in 10 days from tomorrow. I will post the results then for those who have been following this journey. For those who are praying for me, keep up the good work! I'm holding on tight to my 3.85!! Not quite a 4.0 but hey, it's not bad for a moderately old woman!!

Wednesday, April 04, 2007's broken in

I had my first accident today with my new truck *sob*. It's snowing, raining, sleeting, and all that rot. I was heading to a volleyball game, going very slow since the roads were slippery. Anyhow, my rear end fishtailed and the next thing I knew I was wrapped around a tree and axle deep in soft dirt. I was ripped! Then I started to do the girly thing - I burst in to tears. The passenger door is dented, the front fender is half off but the damage looks light.

Tomorrow I go down to the police station and pick up an incident report, then take pictures, see the insurance guy and see about getting my baby fixed.

I have a bit of surprise news - rachel has been awarded the Junior Member of the Year award by our local gym. She doesn't know it yet - it's being awarded on the 21st of this month at a special awards banquet. She's going go nuts!! Her friend won it last year.

Keep your fingers crossed - I have signed up for my phlebotomy certification exam scheduled for the 18th. Wish me luck! I'm studying like a gal possessed! I just hope it wasn't $100 wasted and I pass with flying colors! Will update when the grades come in.

Sunday, March 11, 2007


The Knights won it all! My daughter is on a fourth grade all girls team. They played three games (32-2, 20-19, and 25-5) and won them all! Today? She played one playoff game (won 25-5) and then the championship game, which the team won 15-9.

She was rebound QUEEN! catching most of them and actually getting fouled twice. Also made two baskets and scored two foul shots. Everyone here is stoked for SURE!!
We're all proud of her hard work (and her teammate's hard work!) All the girls played remarkably well! WATCH OUT NEXT YEAR!!

Sunday, February 11, 2007

My fish tank

This is my fish tank! I realized today that I've mentioned it in previous posts but never posted the photo of it. It's a 39 gallon fresh water tank, with several kinds of fish: there are two platys, three white high-fins, three medium black high fins, five tiger barbs and three gold fish (thanks GB for starting me off with these guys!!!)
It's been a nice, relaxing hobby in a life full of chaos at times. There are more plants in it now than when this picture was taken - the goldfish keep EATING the plants I put in; they either like what I choose or HATE IT!! I swear they move them around when I'm not looking. Somewhere in the tank are two lily bulbs that have not sprouted at all. They've been rolled all over the tank. I first put them in on the right side; one day they're on the left side of the tank, the next, they're in front. I'll have to post a newer picture when I get a minute.

More Phlebotomy News

Today I received my verification letter from the college stating that I completed my coursework (with an overall grade of A!!) and completed my clinical rotation. So now, I can apply for my certification! There goes another $100 in the blink of an eyelash!!

I'm excited yet nervous. What if I don't pass this test? I'm studying already and I'm feeling very confident that I know my tubes, additives, procedures, veins, etc etc etc. I'm excited that I'll be able to work in this new field.

LPN training starts in August - now THERE'S some tough stuff! 4-10pm four nights a week plus every other weekend 7-3pm. talk about no free time at all for 10 months!! I hope my kids don't forget who I am!!! It's going to be a struggle for all of us but I do have their never-ending support and encouragement! That's what keeps me going!

Thursday, January 25, 2007

WOW! What An Experience!

It's three days since my phlebotomy practicum ended and I'm totally psyched to keep working in this field! I learned more in three weeks that I thought possible! I started off doing very little and ended up doing quite a bit. I did get my 100 venipunctures and 25 dermal sticks (finger sticks) in a relatively short time. Actually, my ending numbers were 175 and 40 respectively! I am quite proud of my work; I feel confident that I can be a great asset to any practice or hospital as a phlebotomist.

My next stop is certification; I'm turning in my application this morning along with my reference letter and the required $100. Then, I'll get an appointment to take the test in either Concord NH, Worcester/Springfield MA or Providence RI. You know I'm hoping for Worcester/Springfield! It's the closest site to my house.

It was a great three week experience. I can't say enough about the providers and staff at my site. Everyone was so helpful and encouraging!! Only two fainters the entire week and of course they weren't the little guys - both were men well over 6' who went "down like a ton of bricks" when I was done doing their blood draw. At least I didn't end up with the 6'2 guy that hit his head on the FLOOR requiring three stitches to close the gash in his head! That guy was with the other student. THAT in itself was an EXPERIENCE I do NOT want to go through again thank you VERY much!!!

Friday, January 05, 2007

I Think I'm in LOVE!!!

This week, I've been doing my phlebotomy practicum at a local family practice and boy, I think I'm in LOVE!! This job is such a challenge! Every day brings new skills, new experiences and new people! I haven't enjoyed anything as much as this in a very long time.

My first day, I "drew" 12 people successfully. Not too bad - I was pretty happy with that figure. Wednesday was slow - only 8. Thursday was interesting - I reached for gauze, the patient moved his arm and the needle fell out. Blood spurted across his lap (which made for cleaning up interesting!) and ran down from the hole in his arm. I do NOT need to say how many heart attacks I had when I EVER looked down and saw all that blood!! It was NOT pretty! Thank GOD he was good natured about the whole thing! I was drawing 5 tubes of blood and this happened on the 5th tube (OF COURSE IT DID!!)

Anyhow, today I learned how to do strep cultures (yes, I know - not phlebotomy related but it's a busy practice!) Interesting! I can hardly wait until LPN training starts in August! I'm excited and yep, I thinks I'm in LOVE with this job!!!