Wednesday, October 10, 2007

TOO Long Between Posts

I can't believe I haven't written a thing since August! It's been a little crazy busy but starting somewhere near the beginning, I did some ocean fishing, went up to northern Vermont to a working dairy farm - that was some FUN let me tell you, spent most of the summer sitting on the sidelines of the softball diamond watching my daughter play, and not much else.

Went to Florida in August - was Rachel's first plane ride and she was beside herself with excitement! Didn't do all that much while there, it was too bloody hot!
September started with school - 17 credits this semester! I know! It's a lot but here it is October and I'm in good shape for Dean's List again for the fall semester. So far so good. I'm still planning to apply to the RN program in December for September 08 (yes, we have to apply that far in advance!) It's quite competitive but I am hopeful that I will be one of the 100 that is selected.

Celebrated Miss Rachel's 11th birthday in September and managed to get a photo of myself snuggled amid my three lovely little monkey-children. Yes, that's me in the back - the short one between the two TREES aka my sons!

Sam is getting ready to graduate in June already and this has me remembering what it was like when I was 17 gearing up to graduate. I remember being scared yet excited as all get out to be finally done with school. He's looking at colleges here and as far away as Florida (St. Leo's). Now comes the interesting part - funding! I'd roll my eyes but I'm too tired!

Homework calls - EKGs and colon procedures - fun stuff!! I'll say one thing about all this reading - it sure is informative! I'm learning more than I ever thought possible!

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