Friday, September 12, 2008

How Do I Say This?

Have you ever found someone that you feel was put in front of you by a force not of this world? Almost like God said, "hey, I found this guy for you...what do you think?" Well, it is with a huge grin that I introduce my beau Chaz.

We met back in late May and have been almost inseparable since! Sometimes I feel like he's my left hand; the missing sock to go on my bare foot; the cherry on the sundae of my life. We're sitting on Sugarloaf in Deerfield after spending a rather nice day strolling through Yankee Candle. My canoe has gotten wet this summer, paddling around Tully Lake and Brown's Pond. We've been to the Quechee Balloon Festival too; what a weekend that was for sure! I've never seen so many hot air balloons in one place!

For a nice family day, we took the kids to Six Flags. They like him for the simple reason is he's low-key; he's been getting to know each of them on their own level, and not talking down to them or trying to be too forceful with them.

More on this to come in the very near future...

More Apple Photos

A beautiful display of fall colors. It's not quite fall yet, but the last few days have been crisp and cool, although tonight it's slightly rainy.

This is my apple princess...isn't she lovely?

We went apple picking and couldn't reach some lovely looking red gravensteins so my daredevil carefully climbed into the tree to pick the tastiest apples without damaging nary a leaf on the tree. Here we are sharing a moment before picking peaches.

'Tis the Season for APPLE PIE!

This is not my first attempt at apple pie but it is certainly the PURTIEST apple pie I have ever ever made! Yes, it's sugar/cinnamon sprinkled, baked at 375 for precisely 50 minutes (25 with the foil on the edges, 25 with foil off).

We just added scoops of French Vanilla ice cream and it was almost better than....well, you know what I'm thinking!!
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