I woke up this morning to the sound of rain falling on the air conditioner. Now, normally falling rain doesn't bother me but this morning, it seems like the rain was hitting the one place on the a/c where it made the most maddening plink........plink......plink. Almost like the chinese water torture! I finally got up because it was just plinking on my nerves! I went into the bathroom, and one of my lovely cats decided to barrel his/her way into the house by pulling the screen down and tossing it out the second story window. I look out the window and there's the screen, down there in the tall prickly weeds. OOOOK...that means the bugs have been streaming into the house all night. Wonderful! MOSQUITO BUFFET'S OPEN! *chuckle* I shut the window; so much for a nice breeze. I'll go down and get the screen but I'll leave it out until I can somehow convince the cats to NOT knock it down.
My daughter is in NY on vacation - she called last night to tell me she'd caught not one, but three little fish in the pond using the green fishing rod (somehow there's some significance to the rod's color but I didn't ask!) She's having fun with her grandmother being spoiled rotten. She'll be home late Saturday night, all nice and tired but ready for camp next Monday.
Monday, June 26, 2006
Saturday, June 24, 2006
Weather Musings and Such
People say women are fickle but I have seen nothing more fickle than New England weather. If you don't like it, wait a minute-it will change! This morning we woke up to rain, heavy at first, then lightening to a drizzle, then to the point where it's actually stopped and the sun has managed to peep out for a while. The All Star game was cancelled at 9:00 am this morning, so my daughter left for her vacation week. Now, if it doesn't rain tomorrow, the game will be held and she will miss it. It was an issue with her - which to do - go on vacation or wait another day to see if she'd be playing in her first ever all star game. Both were things she really wanted to do but her vacation won!
I've had the house to myself for most of the day. My sons are off doing their own things and for once, I have total tv control. Of course, there's absolutely nothing on so I'm playing cards on line. I've done the dishes, my washing is done, the bathroom primer coat is drying. The cats are out terrorizing the dog on his chain. Everyone is busy doing their own thing.
I'M BORED OUT OF MY MIND! I miss working weekends. I worked seven days for so many years; now that I only work weekdays, I miss the busy weekends. It's too quiet here for me. I've discovered something interesting - while I like being alone, I do not like it for long periods of time. I itch to go out and do something - see and talk to people. I don't know if that makes me insecure in my own skin or what - I just know I'm much more comfortable being around others than being alone.
I've had the house to myself for most of the day. My sons are off doing their own things and for once, I have total tv control. Of course, there's absolutely nothing on so I'm playing cards on line. I've done the dishes, my washing is done, the bathroom primer coat is drying. The cats are out terrorizing the dog on his chain. Everyone is busy doing their own thing.
I'M BORED OUT OF MY MIND! I miss working weekends. I worked seven days for so many years; now that I only work weekdays, I miss the busy weekends. It's too quiet here for me. I've discovered something interesting - while I like being alone, I do not like it for long periods of time. I itch to go out and do something - see and talk to people. I don't know if that makes me insecure in my own skin or what - I just know I'm much more comfortable being around others than being alone.
Friday, June 23, 2006
Well, it's officially pouring now! The rain is coming down hard and fast - I'm not sure if the game is still on for Saturday (tomorrow) but it is not looking all that promising. My weekend plans have just been cancelled (sorry, I'm going to pout now)... *sigh* :(
Looks like the sun dance didn't work for me this weekend. Next weekend I promised my daughter I'd be home when she got back from her trip to NY. I'm working on the 3rd and off on the 4th - crazy, I know! My next weekend off is the weekend of the 9th and I'm pretty sure the boys are busy with some concert they were just talking about at dinner. Not any music I'd like I'm sure (the only White Stripes I know about are on tigers!)
I'm off to go finish watching my movie. It's boring at the moment but I'm hoping it will perk up.
Looks like the sun dance didn't work for me this weekend. Next weekend I promised my daughter I'd be home when she got back from her trip to NY. I'm working on the 3rd and off on the 4th - crazy, I know! My next weekend off is the weekend of the 9th and I'm pretty sure the boys are busy with some concert they were just talking about at dinner. Not any music I'd like I'm sure (the only White Stripes I know about are on tigers!)
I'm off to go finish watching my movie. It's boring at the moment but I'm hoping it will perk up.
Sun Dance
I'm doing a little sun dance right now hoping that the sun stays out until tomorrow morning. My lovely daughter has been chosen to play on the All-Star Team for girl's softball and tomorrow is "THE BIG GAME". She's also leaving to go to see her grandma in NY Saturday after said game for a whole week. If it rains, the game will move to Sunday which will mean she can't leave until then for her vacation week. We're all doing the sun dance now, trying to convince it to shine shine shine! It's ok I try to tell them, if it rains now...as long as it isn't raining when we wake up tomorrow!
Buzzer's buzzing - it's time to go to work! Enjoy the day!
Buzzer's buzzing - it's time to go to work! Enjoy the day!
Thursday, June 22, 2006
Buying the RIGHT Straps is IMPORTANT!
As I previously mentioned, I bought a canoe and also some straps. Unfortunately they were not the right straps. I went up this bumpy hill to get my son at his girlfriend's house and when I got there, my son wasn't there but her father said, "Hey, two of those strips are not hooked up! You're gonna lose your boat!" So he took one them off and replaced them with a nice wide rachet strap and directed me to return the straps I had purchased and get rachet straps. I went up to Wal-Mart and exchanged the straps. Have you ever tried to put on rachet straps in the DARK?! Under a street light that kept going on and off?! Frustrating as all get out! I did get two of the new straps on nice and snug. That canoe isn't going anywhere! The front and back straps are fine; it was just the three that I was using across the canoe that weren't going to work.
I'm all set now; watch out quiet water, here I come! Hopefully Saturday I"ll get a chance to put her in the water and see what happens. I hope to God it doesn't LEAK!! I will NOT be a happy paddler if she leaks...
I'm all set now; watch out quiet water, here I come! Hopefully Saturday I"ll get a chance to put her in the water and see what happens. I hope to God it doesn't LEAK!! I will NOT be a happy paddler if she leaks...
Wednesday, June 21, 2006
My New Toy

Well, I bought a canoe last week. It's a 15' one, and it's lounging in the front yard waiting to be taken out on the water. I'm still learning how to paddle correctly and follow directions. I did buy a PFD the other night as well as a set of straps to lash the canoe to the top of my van. I tried to use this foam stuff in a can to make a foam float for the front of the canoe to no avail. When I went out to check it after two hours, it was a liquidy mess that stunk to high heaven. I don't know what else to use or how else to put foam in the front but I'm sure I'll figure it out somehow.
I can't wait to take it out on the water! There are several small lakes around my house that are begging to be canoed. I want to take it up north to my friend's house and let them look it over. I'm pretty proud of myself that I can almost heft it up onto the van by myself (I had my 16 year old son help me tonight). It's all part of the learning process. Anything new takes practice. I'm ready though! Here is a picture of my new toy strapped and ready to float!
Monday, June 19, 2006
Just WHAT IS IT ?!
Sunday, June 18, 2006
New Muscles
Well, it's the day after a nice long canoe trip and I have NEW MUSCLES that I didn't know existed! My arms, chest and shoulders ache not only from the paddling but from the nice sun burn I now sport. I am a delightful shade of red on one shoulder (my major paddling arm) and a nice shade of pink on my other shoulder. My canoe partner (who I must add has the patience of JOB!) suggested at one point that I put on a shirt and I replied, "I would but it's in the truck which is at YOUR house." I didn't realize that the shirt didn't even make the truck - I found it on the back of the couch. Lot of good it did me there huh?! The burn isn't too bad but I will pack a better canoe bag next time.
The trip itself was uneventful. I had lessons in turning, prying and slow paddling. Some time during the trip my canoe partner asked me to paddle a little slower. When I wondered aloud why I would paddle slow he said "Because there's a DAM up there that I'd rather NOT go over it please..." I see... all righty then! Slow ahead! Talk about paddling backwards! I'm glad my canoe parter has patience with me. On the semi-exciting side, the canoe was rocked side to side by a large motor boat that cruised up near us going way too fast, making a nice wake that shook me a little. Yesterday was not the day to swamp the canoe! Not in the middle of Lake Winnisquam! I'm looking forward to a swamping lesson next time - then I'm heading to the back of the canoe to learn steering. That's the one reason I'm not taking my new canoe out yet - I have no idea how to steer it yet. I have to buy a PFD too - one that will fit me properly and not scrape under my armpits.
At some point in August, Sam (my oldest son) is going on a 2 day trip with his boy scout troop - I'd like to be able to go along if he wants. The trip is heading down the Connecticut River; we'll see if he actually wants to take his old mother along :)
I'm finding the more canoeing I do, the more I enjoy it. I also notice I'm looking at little rivers of water wondering if they are canoe-able. There's one little stretch of river that is very quiet over by the local landfill that I'd like to try at some point - I'm looking into it.
The trip itself was uneventful. I had lessons in turning, prying and slow paddling. Some time during the trip my canoe partner asked me to paddle a little slower. When I wondered aloud why I would paddle slow he said "Because there's a DAM up there that I'd rather NOT go over it please..." I see... all righty then! Slow ahead! Talk about paddling backwards! I'm glad my canoe parter has patience with me. On the semi-exciting side, the canoe was rocked side to side by a large motor boat that cruised up near us going way too fast, making a nice wake that shook me a little. Yesterday was not the day to swamp the canoe! Not in the middle of Lake Winnisquam! I'm looking forward to a swamping lesson next time - then I'm heading to the back of the canoe to learn steering. That's the one reason I'm not taking my new canoe out yet - I have no idea how to steer it yet. I have to buy a PFD too - one that will fit me properly and not scrape under my armpits.
At some point in August, Sam (my oldest son) is going on a 2 day trip with his boy scout troop - I'd like to be able to go along if he wants. The trip is heading down the Connecticut River; we'll see if he actually wants to take his old mother along :)
I'm finding the more canoeing I do, the more I enjoy it. I also notice I'm looking at little rivers of water wondering if they are canoe-able. There's one little stretch of river that is very quiet over by the local landfill that I'd like to try at some point - I'm looking into it.
Thursday, June 15, 2006
Thoughts on Graduation

My son graduated tonight from the eighth grade. He was selected to give one of two student speeches as well as the honor of playing/singing the exit song, "Time of Your Life" by Greenday. As I sat in the front row in my favorite lawn chair, I went back to pre-school and his first "graduation" exercise. It was hard to look at him and not remember him running down the hall in a diaper, screaming because he couldn't go to school yet; it wasn't his "turn". As I sat watching this "man" speak about integrity, honesty, safety, I was never prouder than at that moment. He has truly blossomed into a fine young man.
Brian has always loved school and for the past two years, we have had slight struggles for the first time in a couple of key subjects. He has worked hard and the biggest thing I think he's learned is to ask for help when he needs it. I've tried to teach all of my children that the only stupid question is the one not asked. I myself have at times prefaced a question with, 'now this might sound stupid but...' only to be told the same thing.
I wish for him only the best of everything; I believe he is well on his way to being a leader of tomorrow. Way to go Brian! I'm so proud of you!
I looked in my living room this morning and wondered, "what the heck is living in here? I spent a good 30 minutes just picking up things that belonged to the other four people that live in this house. I actually set the timer and when it went off, was pleased to see that I do indeed have semi-gray carpet on the floor (dotted with spots and a nice red stain but it was there). During my tidy-fest, I picked up exactly one thing that lived in MY room - my little orange balloon pump. How it climbed out of my balloon bag, I will not venture to guess - I'd say it was my daughter but I can't be certain. Well, my living room is ready for living again. I have two chairs in which to sit, and a couch that is devoid of clothes, papers, books, toys etc etc. It is truly a beautiful thing :)
The dishes are done, the counters are wiped. The kitchen table needs attention but I have to get ready for work. All in all though, I am quite pleased at the moment with the condition of my two major rooms.
The dishes are done, the counters are wiped. The kitchen table needs attention but I have to get ready for work. All in all though, I am quite pleased at the moment with the condition of my two major rooms.
Sunday, June 11, 2006
Creepy Crawling Things
I spent a couple of days up at the Farm this weekend and discovered one undeniable fact - I HATE TICKS!) ewww shudder..shiver... I took a very short walk down to the brook, wearing long blue jeans and my wellies and before I even got to the trailhead, I was flicking off ticks stuck to my pant legs. By the time I got back to the house, I had flicked off about 6; once inside the house, they just kept appearing on me - one crawled across my arm, one across my leg...one even up the front of my shirt! I picked one off the back of Sandy's head, one off Julie's arm, and one off Rachel's back. I'm itching now just thinking about them! I think they are worse than head lice! Just the thought of them makes the little hairs on the back of my neck stand up!
I'm sure the good Lord has a purpose for putting them on this great wide Earth, but I haven't a clue what that purpose is...I suppose they're food for something larger (but not ME!) Just because i'm a plus sized gal doesn't mean the 'all-you-can-eat-tick-buffet' is open!
I'm sure the good Lord has a purpose for putting them on this great wide Earth, but I haven't a clue what that purpose is...I suppose they're food for something larger (but not ME!) Just because i'm a plus sized gal doesn't mean the 'all-you-can-eat-tick-buffet' is open!
Tuesday, June 06, 2006
The Sun is OUT!
I woke up this morning with warmth on my face. As I cracked open one eyelid I realized it was the SUN making an appearance after three days of straight rain. Before she could change her mind and disappear, I put out two loads of wet laundry. The propane was disconnected on Friday so we've been without it for three days (so I've had no dryer!). I have one load washing because I think the propane company will be out today to reconnect me. I hope I hope I hope.
My bathroom looks wonderful! It's nice and white right now, with no dirty handprints on the wall or dirt streaks. I'm looking at paint chips to see what the final color will be - maybe blue, maybe pale green - I don't know yet. I know it won't be yellow! That's just wrong... chuckle... although it would be a little appropriate, considering it's a bathroom after all!
My bathroom looks wonderful! It's nice and white right now, with no dirty handprints on the wall or dirt streaks. I'm looking at paint chips to see what the final color will be - maybe blue, maybe pale green - I don't know yet. I know it won't be yellow! That's just wrong... chuckle... although it would be a little appropriate, considering it's a bathroom after all!
Sunday, June 04, 2006
The perfect sleep-in day
Today is Sunday and with the exception of a slight break in the clouds, it has rained most of the day. It was the perfect sleep-in day! I managed to make it to 7:11 am until the alarm went off in the other room, however I didn't actually get out of bed until 8:30! What a treat!
I got up and made pancakes on the electric griddle as we are out of propane. *Sigh* Some days it never seems to end. I'm just waiting for the oil to run out and then I will totally lose my mind. I can hook up a propane tank to the gas grill outside and make dinner (which btw, worked quite nicely until it started to rain hard, just as the steak was ready to come off the grill). My grill has a burner on the side so I was able to make beans on the outside burner and corn in the microwave.
I also started painting the bathroom finally! I scraped off the last little bits of wallpaper, washed the walls, and put on two full coats of primer. Now all I have to do is figure out what the final color will be - I'm very tempted to leave it white, but a pale blue is looking more likely. I'd like something soothing not like the green busy ivy wallpaper that was in there (I didn't pick it and I've intensely disliked it since it went up!) I also patched a rather large hole in the wall with a metallic patch/patching compound. Looks pretty darned good if I do say so myself!
I got up and made pancakes on the electric griddle as we are out of propane. *Sigh* Some days it never seems to end. I'm just waiting for the oil to run out and then I will totally lose my mind. I can hook up a propane tank to the gas grill outside and make dinner (which btw, worked quite nicely until it started to rain hard, just as the steak was ready to come off the grill). My grill has a burner on the side so I was able to make beans on the outside burner and corn in the microwave.
I also started painting the bathroom finally! I scraped off the last little bits of wallpaper, washed the walls, and put on two full coats of primer. Now all I have to do is figure out what the final color will be - I'm very tempted to leave it white, but a pale blue is looking more likely. I'd like something soothing not like the green busy ivy wallpaper that was in there (I didn't pick it and I've intensely disliked it since it went up!) I also patched a rather large hole in the wall with a metallic patch/patching compound. Looks pretty darned good if I do say so myself!
Friday, June 02, 2006
All Stressed and No One to Choke
Today was a banger of a day! It started out with Brian needing a root canal. Can we say way too much money? Let's see, it was about what, $1,095 when all was said and done? Then I booked his annual roundtable where he presents the things he's been working on in school to prove he has completed the 8th grade. Brian is at a charter school so things are done a little differently than at the public schools. Anyhow, I scheduled his roundtable at the exact same time as a gig I have been hired and paid to do. Rachel's softball coach calls, the game tonight is cancelled due to rain, we're going to practice on Tuesday at 4:30.....*BLINK* oooook! I can be in three places at once! NOT! So I've tried to reschedule his roundtable for 2pm on Tuesday so I can get home for Rachel at 3:15, to which I will have time to get her to practice at 4:15 so I can make it to my gig by 4:30.
THEN! To cap off the day, I get home, start dinner to find out that oh boy, we have no propane! Guess we're not having spaghetti tonight! In fact, we can't get propane until MONDAY! Well, I can call on Monday and get on the delivery schedule - if we're lucky, we'll get filled up by Thursday! :)
If I don't laugh, I'll burst into tears.
THEN! To cap off the day, I get home, start dinner to find out that oh boy, we have no propane! Guess we're not having spaghetti tonight! In fact, we can't get propane until MONDAY! Well, I can call on Monday and get on the delivery schedule - if we're lucky, we'll get filled up by Thursday! :)
If I don't laugh, I'll burst into tears.
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