My son graduated tonight from the eighth grade. He was selected to give one of two student speeches as well as the honor of playing/singing the exit song, "Time of Your Life" by Greenday. As I sat in the front row in my favorite lawn chair, I went back to pre-school and his first "graduation" exercise. It was hard to look at him and not remember him running down the hall in a diaper, screaming because he couldn't go to school yet; it wasn't his "turn". As I sat watching this "man" speak about integrity, honesty, safety, I was never prouder than at that moment. He has truly blossomed into a fine young man.
Brian has always loved school and for the past two years, we have had slight struggles for the first time in a couple of key subjects. He has worked hard and the biggest thing I think he's learned is to ask for help when he needs it. I've tried to teach all of my children that the only stupid question is the one not asked. I myself have at times prefaced a question with, 'now this might sound stupid but...' only to be told the same thing.
I wish for him only the best of everything; I believe he is well on his way to being a leader of tomorrow. Way to go Brian! I'm so proud of you!
I enjoyed this, Sharon. I have three, ages 19, 17, and 13. If you haven't had one graduate from high school yet, just wait until you go through that proverbial stroll down Memory Lane. Motherhood is bittersweet, isn't it? If you would care to look, I wrote a piece about moms and their graduating seniors on my blog.I'm www.2nd-cup-of-coffee.blogspot.com.
Funny! I just bookmarked your blog. I had a ball reading through your posts.
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