Friday, June 02, 2006

All Stressed and No One to Choke

Today was a banger of a day! It started out with Brian needing a root canal. Can we say way too much money? Let's see, it was about what, $1,095 when all was said and done? Then I booked his annual roundtable where he presents the things he's been working on in school to prove he has completed the 8th grade. Brian is at a charter school so things are done a little differently than at the public schools. Anyhow, I scheduled his roundtable at the exact same time as a gig I have been hired and paid to do. Rachel's softball coach calls, the game tonight is cancelled due to rain, we're going to practice on Tuesday at 4:30.....*BLINK* oooook! I can be in three places at once! NOT! So I've tried to reschedule his roundtable for 2pm on Tuesday so I can get home for Rachel at 3:15, to which I will have time to get her to practice at 4:15 so I can make it to my gig by 4:30.

THEN! To cap off the day, I get home, start dinner to find out that oh boy, we have no propane! Guess we're not having spaghetti tonight! In fact, we can't get propane until MONDAY! Well, I can call on Monday and get on the delivery schedule - if we're lucky, we'll get filled up by Thursday! :)

If I don't laugh, I'll burst into tears.

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