Sunday, June 11, 2006

Creepy Crawling Things

I spent a couple of days up at the Farm this weekend and discovered one undeniable fact - I HATE TICKS!) ewww shudder..shiver... I took a very short walk down to the brook, wearing long blue jeans and my wellies and before I even got to the trailhead, I was flicking off ticks stuck to my pant legs. By the time I got back to the house, I had flicked off about 6; once inside the house, they just kept appearing on me - one crawled across my arm, one across my even up the front of my shirt! I picked one off the back of Sandy's head, one off Julie's arm, and one off Rachel's back. I'm itching now just thinking about them! I think they are worse than head lice! Just the thought of them makes the little hairs on the back of my neck stand up!

I'm sure the good Lord has a purpose for putting them on this great wide Earth, but I haven't a clue what that purpose is...I suppose they're food for something larger (but not ME!) Just because i'm a plus sized gal doesn't mean the 'all-you-can-eat-tick-buffet' is open!

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