Thursday, June 22, 2006

Buying the RIGHT Straps is IMPORTANT!

As I previously mentioned, I bought a canoe and also some straps. Unfortunately they were not the right straps. I went up this bumpy hill to get my son at his girlfriend's house and when I got there, my son wasn't there but her father said, "Hey, two of those strips are not hooked up! You're gonna lose your boat!" So he took one them off and replaced them with a nice wide rachet strap and directed me to return the straps I had purchased and get rachet straps. I went up to Wal-Mart and exchanged the straps. Have you ever tried to put on rachet straps in the DARK?! Under a street light that kept going on and off?! Frustrating as all get out! I did get two of the new straps on nice and snug. That canoe isn't going anywhere! The front and back straps are fine; it was just the three that I was using across the canoe that weren't going to work.

I'm all set now; watch out quiet water, here I come! Hopefully Saturday I"ll get a chance to put her in the water and see what happens. I hope to God it doesn't LEAK!! I will NOT be a happy paddler if she leaks...

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